- Who belongs to this toothbrush? 这支牙刷是谁的?
- Who belongs to this pen? 这支笔是谁的?
- Who belongs to this book? 这本书是谁的?
- Who belongs to this fan? 谁是这把扇子的主人?
- Your objection does not belong to this meeting. 你的反对跟这个会无关。
- Your objection doesn't belong to this discussion. 你的反对意见和这场讨论没有关系。
- The column does not belong to this collection. 该列不属于此集合。
- The user does not belong to this group. 用户不属于此组。
- Your question does not belong to this discussion. 你的问题不属于这次讨论的范围。
- Do you belong to this fitness club? 你是这个健身俱乐部的成员吗?
- Divine Incarnations belong to this class. 神的化身属于这一类型。”
- Romulus later cases belong to this dynasty. 罗米拉斯后来例属于这个王朝。
- But Joshua spared Rahab the prostitute, with her family and all who belonged to her, because she hid the men Joshua had sent as spies to Jericho-and she lives among the Israelites to this day. 约书亚却把妓女喇合与她父家,并她所有的,都救活了。因为她隐藏了约书亚所打发窥探耶利哥的使者,她就住在以色列中,直到今日。
- Who belongs to the Korea Ball Jointed Doll Association. 谁属于韩国球被联接的玩偶协会!
- Are you the person who belongs to affection to enrich? 你是属于感情丰富的人吗?
- These items don't belong to this heading,ie are wrongly classified. 这些项目不该列在这个标题下(不属此类)。
- The other great Greek who belongs to the classical period, is Apollonius. 古典时期的另一伟大希腊数学家是Apollonius。
- A person who seems to be displaced in time,who belongs to another age. 一个好像与时代不合的人,属于另一个时代的人。
- A woman who belongs to a religious order or congregation devoted to active service or meditation, living under vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. 修女,尼姑归属或献身于具有积极的仪式或冥想的宗教制度或团体的女性,生活在贫穷,贞洁和服从中
- The commencement of articulate speech belongs to this period. 音节分明的语言即开始于这一期。